Monday, 21 November 2016

How to Deal With Holiday Stress

It's that time of year!

The build up towards Christmas can be so festive, exciting and yet so stressful for some. There's pressure to make sure that all of the gifts are checked off of wish lists and are purchased for the kids and other family members. It seems like everywhere you go is overwhelmingly busy and packed and it makes it impossible to roam through the stores trying to find those perfect gifts. The Christmas period only comes around once a year so why make it be a stressful experience? Here are some tips to not let you turn into the Grinch this year!

  • Quality not quantity! It's not about how many presents are under the tree but rather the thought and intention behind each gift. We all have a difficult time when it comes to over spending around the holidays so why not go for a gift that's more personal? This year try to make a home made gift that's from the heart. If you're a creative person, maybe knit up a pretty scarf that you know that you're mom will appreciate? After all, you did spend hours on it and she will be thankful for that! 
  • Plan a budget that you can stick to. Many people go overboard especially when the sales are on for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I mean who wouldn't want that flat screen high def t.v. for only £300 that was originally £500?! There are so many tempting buys out there in stores but remember to stick to your plan! If you write down a budget that you KNOW that you can stick to, there's no need to overspend and regret those purchases. I hear from so many people that when they start their Christmas shopping they see things for themselves as well and they buy more for themselves while their intention was for other people. It's called self control for a reason people! Remember why you're shopping in the first place and try not to become selfish.
  • Don't feel bad for not getting those expensive gifts! This ties into the above tip as well but don't feel like you have to give presents that cost an arm and a leg just to make someone happy! The media plays a big role in portraying Christmas as a commercialized time of year and love it because it's when their sales are the highest!  If you cave in and give kids everything they want like an I-pad or a cell phone, they'll start to expect gifts like this every year and throughout the year as well. It's great to surprise them with one or two that they aren't expecting but the more that kids get everything on their wishlist, the more that it could cause issues for the parents in the future. Plus, why should a child get an expensive gift that most likely is going to be broken or shattered in a few months time anyway? Most items and toys get played with and then down the road something new comes along and that toy doesn't get played with anymore. Spending wisely is definitely key and the recipient will still be appreciative!
  • Spending time with the family and in-laws! This is most likely the major factor when it comes to holiday stresses. So many people roll their eyes at the thought of having to go and visit with family members they would rather not have to see. No matter what you're family situation may be, you should try to make the best out of this time of year. Why be miserable when you can be happy? Remember that you will only spend time with your relatives for a short time and then you can go back to your normal routine. Look at the bright side, some people have to work on major holidays so learn to be thankful that you don't have to and you can stuff you're face with food even if it's with people that you don't like. Find positive things even in negative situations!
  • Having to rush for those last minute gifts. Procrastination is very common around Christmas. You have people that are either too lazy to start shopping or people are just too busy with their daily schedules and have to shop at the last minute. Obviously the more rushed you feel can definitely lead to feeling stressed. If this is you, try working out a few days where you do have time to get things done and just DO IT! We all can be lazy sometimes but the more you push yourself to get out there you won't have to regret waiting until the last minute. Procrastinators create their own added pressure for themselves that they just don't need. 
  • Cooking a holiday meal for a large group. If you have never cooked a holiday meal before and it's your turn this year, don't worry! Don't tell yourself that you have no idea what you're doing and you expect it to all go wrong. The more you don't have confidence in yourself, the more things will go wrong. You might want to try practicing the set up before hand as a practice run! Try to make it fun by decorating the table how you like and putting your festive spin on it! If you have a pretend Christmas meal beforehand your are less likely to get it wrong the second time around. Start cooking early the day of your meal as well and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Enjoy each moment and enjoy those yummy smells from the food that you're cooking! Nothing beats the smell of a turkey roasting in the oven!

There you have it, my main tips for those of you that are feeling the holiday stress already. When you feel like everything is happening all at once and there's so much that has to be done, it's easy to start feeling the added pressure. Try to enjoy the buildup to Christmas and the New Year because it's such a magical and beautiful time of year and you don't want to let things get in the way. The holidays shouldn't be a stressful time of year as long as you stay organised, you shouldn't have any problems! Remember to decorate your heart out, wrap those gifts early, and don't forget to leave those cookies and milk out for Santa!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all



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