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Friday 16 September 2016

Gratitude Day 16: The Song

Good morning and welcome back to day 16 of the 30 days of gratitude challenge! If you can't tell already, today's theme is about a specific song that has inspired me. This theme is tough because there isn't just one specific song that has inspired me, there's been loads! I love pretty much every type of music and any song that has a good dance vibe to it definitely gets me moving! I love listening to music whether I'm writing a blog post or I'm working out. My dad toured around the U.S. in a country western band in the 80's and I grew up with headphones on all the time as a kid. I used to sing also in my room and belt out songs, I really got into it, but unfortunately I can't sing. 

One song that I really like listening to is a song my brother told me about from Coldplay called Fix You. If I'm ever feeling down or sad about something that's going on this song makes me realize that everything will be okay in the end and that everything takes time. Bad times come and go but going through the bad times make us that much stronger. I really love the lyrics because to me they mean that there's always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter what situation you're going through. I'm thankful to always have this song to put me in a better mood!

I'm thankful for piano music because there's something very calming about it. I seem to like a song better if I hear a piano somewhere in the background. If you've never heard of The Piano Guys, they do a lot of renditions of popular songs on the piano and it sounds so beautiful, I would suggest looking them up if you're also a lover of piano music. I would really love to one day learn how to play the piano too!

What kind of songs have had an influence on your life? I think music can help a lot of people with what they may be going through. I find that it helps me clear my mind if I put my headphones on and it's a good distraction to have. Music will always be one of my loves.

Until tomorrow,


#30bbdaysofgratitude challenge


  1. This is amazing. Such an inspiring post. Music is such a blessing and I can't even imagine what would be life without music.

    1. Thank you! Music is a big part of my life, it really is a blessing isn't it? It helps no matter what kind of mood you're in!

  2. This is great :) It's insane just how powerful music can be. I don't think I've ever heard that Coldplay song but I might have to give it a listen. As far as the Piano Guys, they're music is so beautiful! I love to listen to them. Great post!


    1. Thank you Jay! You should give the Coldplay song a listen. What kind of music do you like? Do you have a song that you like listening to when you're not feeling your best?


  3. Fix you is one of my favourite songs. Love it, love it, love it!
